Novabench score 1612
Novabench score 1612

novabench score 1612

The Benchmark is based on Cinema 4D, a 3D-Digital Content Creation Software package, that comes with an in-built render engine which is also used in this benchmark. Scores are straightforward for the most part. Maxon’s Cinebench has become one of the most popular benchmarking software for CPUs. Anyone knows why Did I mess up anywhere on my settings Please advise. Everything seems to be fine, but my GPU score seems to be very low. Only the operating system of the PC, the processor, and the video card are listed by the application. I finally got my first hackintosh running and ran Novabench to benchmark the speed of my new system. Novabench displays scores for all tested hardware components, as well as general information about the tested system.

novabench score 1612

By default this test profile is set to run at least 3 times but may increase if the standard deviation exceeds pre-defined defaults or other calculations deem additional runs necessary for greater statistical.

novabench score 1612

The benchmark run time is short it takes about a minute to run all tests, and even less if you just run one of the tests. Based on data, the selected test / test configuration ( Novabench - Test: CPU) has an average run-time of 7 minutes. You get options to run all tests at once, or only specific tests by selecting them from the tests menu at the top. The free version of Novabench is not offered as a portable version, the Pro version is.


The program is offered as a 80 Megabyte file that you need to install on the target system. Novabench is a free for non-commercial use benchmark for Windows that you can run to test the system's processor, RAM, disk and video card performance. 3DMark is still popular with the overclocking community and the top scores in the database are often PCs cooled with liquid nitrogen, all clocked to extreme levels (e.g.

Novabench score 1612